
women around who think of femmepersonation as "queer" and homosexual. These people need educating, but give us all time and we will!

At church, I've gotten acceptance by going on stage and singing as a contralto, and though the people have been bulldozed and intimidated by a lot of outmoded and stupid social rules, they realize that we girls are pretty nice people after all.

I find talking about femmedressing to my lady friends quite easy as they understand my intense interest in it. It helps conversation when they realize that I've read up on fashions and what's showing in the windows of the leading department stores in San Fransisco.

Femmepersonation also lets the GGs know that you have a wealth of understanding to offer and that you are not a common, ordinary, average male! The average man can have his "average existence" as far as I'm con- cerned.

When I go as myself, I'm always greeted warmly in the dress shops and lingerie counter where I go to pur- chase my finery no embarassment or stuttering at all. It's all in thinking of femmepersonation as the most ancient and honorable of all the theatre arts.

Positive viewpoint and all that, you know. By telling your lady friends that you enjoy femmepersonation, it's actually telling them that you have the courage of your convictions.

Lovingly Yours,


